Season 2, Episode 6: Fashion

Are you dapper? Are you fly? Are we so old that we don’t know what the slang for looking good is anymore? Enjoy this fashion episode!

Courtesy Michael Hurt, stolen from his blog.

Courtesy Michael Hurt, stolen from his blog.

-News of the Weird w/ Eugene –

  • Darth Vader Plays Baseball in Japan

On The Pulse w/ Aaron and Eugene: Discussing Street Fashion Photography with Michael Hurt

Michael Hurt

Michael Hurt

Season 2, Episode 5: Return of the Kimchi

I always envisioned him looking differently, but this cartoon actually WAS commissioned by the government.

I always envisioned him looking differently, but this cartoon actually WAS commissioned by the government.

Kimchi Kim is BACK! He’s been gone quite a while but we felt like diving into this one more time. In retrospect, we didn’t think this would be our final go at it, but that’s just what happened. He may come back in the future, but not until we have some serious planning.
News of the Weird w/ Eugene

For On the Pulse w/ Rob, we spoke to journalist John Power about all the problems with media and the way that media works in Korea. Needless to say it was a bit of a downer, but John himself was a great guy!

The interview was quite long, so for the purposes of our show we edited it down, but the full interview is here!

Taken from John Power's Twitter, found from his webpage.

Taken from John Power’s Twitter, found from his webpage.

A few months after appearing on our podcast, John wrote an article about this very subject that proved to be very popular.