Cafe Seoul Season 5, Episode 8: No, It’s not Painless

We’re behind in the editing, but better late than never. This episode is about Korea’s suicide crisis, so it is a little heavy. Special Guest: Shaun Webb of Shaun on Site


Unofficial Translation: “(life is) so tiring, isn’t it?”

News of the Weird

On the Pulse: Korea has a suicide problem, and we’ve invited Shaun Webb on the podcast to discuss his own attempted suicide and to discuss the very serious situation in Korea. Topics include the societal causes of the suicide epidemic, efforts the government has made for suicide prevention and how effective they are, and several suicide prevention resources. 
Here are some useful links for anyone who might need them: (Korean) 

seoul hotline: 02-916-9191 

love line counselling center: 02-715 8600 and you can search for the phone numbers, websites and addresses of other hotlines around the country.

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